To Visitors: The message of The Natural State of Medical Practice (now in four volumes) and the Isagorial Theory of Human Progress derived from it is not about herbal therapies, alternative medicine, or the beauties of primitivism.¹ It does not promote any inherent ethnic superiority in advancing human progress. Nor, in its references to the “common man and woman,” is it an attempt to instigate a rebellion among the disadvantaged. It is, instead, a warning to everyone of danger to human progress that lies ahead, a warning exposed by this social history of medical practice as interpreted by a physician.
We are living in a unique time when the global population is broadly benefiting from the freedoms of the common man and woman in the West, freedoms traceable to the Reformation and recognition of natural rights. For the first time in human history a civilization has escaped the authoritarian cage and enjoyed the benefits of an extended period of natural rights protection. But given the tragic history of humanity over thousands of years as revealed in The Natural State of Medical Practice, it is critical that we prevent another regression to that authoritarian cage. A malignant process of gifting the personal freedom of common men and women to centralized authoritarian governance is rapidly spreading through modern society. The appeal of this website is, therefore, to the common man and woman to resist that process. As I quote elsewhere,
“Open your eyes to the fearful change which has been so noiselessly affected; and acknowledge BY STANDING STILL YOU BECOME A PARTY TO REVOLUTION.” (sic)
Richard Hurrell Froude (1803-1836)²
Any comment via email, positive or negative, will be appreciated. But please note that this is not a “blog.”
¹Volume, chapter and page number of otherwise unreferenced statements in the following monographs
refer to the version of the three volumes as published by Liberty Hill Press in 2019:
Vol. 1 – The Natural State of Medical Practice: An Isagorial Theory of Human Progress (2023)
Vol. 2 – The Natural State of Medical Practice: Hippocratic Evidence (2019)
Vol. 3 – The Natural State of Medical Practice: Escape from Egalitarianism (2019)
Vol. 4 – The Natural States of Medical Practice: Implications (2023)
² Hurrell Froude was the elder brother of the famous English historian, James Anthony Froude. A
cleric, Hurrell’s statement is to be found in Remarks on State interference in Matters Spiritual,
in Remains of the Late Reverend Richard Hurrell Froude, M. A., vol. I of Part 2, Derby, 1839, p.
196. Although pertaining to “matters spiritual,” Froude adds the comment, based on the principles
of Hooker, that it “goes to any kind of State interference at all.” Froude, part of the early 19ᵗʰ C Oxford Movement in England, was arguing a principle of 16th C Calvinism.