The papers listed here have been derived from my new translations of Hippocratic works found in volume 2 of The Natural State of Medical Practice, subtitled Hippocratic Evidence. As a group they provide further confirmation of the scientific nature of Hippocratic physicians, thus supporting the conclusion that prominence of ancient Greece, at least in medicine, resided in the freedom of early plebeian practitioners to organize and thereby to improve and promote their profession.
Adams, W.H., A Case Report from the Ancient Past, in American Journal of Case Reports, 20, 1907-1914, 2019
Click here to read this paper: A Case Report from the Ancient Past
Adams, W.H., Elios in the Internal Affections of Hippocrates, in Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 60:526-543, 2020
Click here to read this paper: Eileos in the Internal Affections of Hippocrates
Adams, W.H., An Early Conception of Inflammation in the Hippocratic Treatise, Diseases I 2020
In addition, a new translation of part of the Hippocratic work, De Humoribus, is available but not yet submitted for publication.